Appointments in Membership
Amani Saaduddin
Amani Saaduddin
in progress
Andreas D
Could be an auto applied voucher for x appointments or minutes. If it has a time limit, eg two per month in a subscription it would be nice if it renews when it's payed. If client don't use it it expires, but gets two new upon renewal.
Sadek Hossain
Sadek Hossain
I am not sure, how we will do.. Appointments are time based and slots based so what we will give them actually as a member?
Kay J
Sadek Hossain: the ability to schedule or not schedule. If membership A gets 5 appointments a month and membership b gets unlimited appointments. I would assume it’s similar giving access as one time or pay per time
Christoph Kny
Sadek Hossain at the moment I can add XX Appointment slots to a Membership "fixed" or per "cycle". If you add, the possibility to define what is this cycle for us (weekly, monthly, quarterly etc.) then this should be already done !?
Don M
The ability to include appointments, i.e. 2 appointments per month, etc., is imperative for a professional coaching membership.