Instructors usually care the most about the security of learning materials uploaded to a learning platform like videos, audio, and text from being transferred or downloaded. Please add more security features to protect content hosted by EzyCourses from being stolen. If the course content is pirated or screen-recorded for the public to access from elsewhere, no one will buy from that instructor. This will significantly hurt instructors' profit, and people will be less likely to use the site or app hosted by EzyCourse as their teaching platform. The following security features can be implemented to enhance the security of online learning material.
• Guard Against Unauthorized Access - Increase the security of the online teaching business by mandating OTP verification for students at the time of login. Our system makes sharing passwords nearly impossible so that instructors don't miss out on your potential revenue.
• Hardware Level DRM Encryption to Restrict Screen Recording - Keep the course content safe from unauthorized sharing with a screen capture restriction feature. On mobile devices, we can use hardware constraints to disable screen recording.
• Parallel Login Restriction - Restrict simultaneous login from two or more devices.
• Dynamic watermarking - Display verified phone numbers and email IDs of students as watermarks while the course is being played. This will prevent screen recording.
• Single Device Restriction - Restrict students to access the app on only one mobile device
• IP Address Tracking - Track the IP address of students to know if they are sharing their login credentials on the web.
• Watch Time Restriction - Elevate course revenue with watch time restrictions. The likelihood of credential sharing reduces as each student's watch time is limited.
For more details on course content security, please refer to another online learning platform Learnyst.